Dangerous swing bridge to be repaired

Published: Monday, 23 March 2015
LOCAL councillors report that Micklethwaite Swing Bridge on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal is in a dangerous state and must be repaired.

The outcome is that work will now go ahead on its control mechanism, with the bridge closed daily for vehicular traffic from 7.30am to 6pm on Monday 23rd March for an estimated two weeks, Alan Tilbury tells us.

Boat traffic

However, this includes the Easter Holidays, but there has been no intimation from Canal & River Trust as to whether the bridge will also be closed to boat traffic, which if it is will cause chaos it being the start of the boating season.

As the bridge will be open to pedestrian 'at all times' it seems as though the bridge will be in the closed position, therefore stopping boat movement.


This bridge has caused problems in the past, (Swing bridge problems likely) when 'make-do' repairs have been made and failed, but now councillors are hoping that a permanent repair will be made to prevent further vehicle stoppages in the future.

The emergency services realise the bridge is in a parlous state and therefore do not object to the closure, so have arranged traffic detours.