CaRT keeps agreement secret

Published: Monday, 23 March 2015
THE Canal & River Trust (CaRT) has failed to provide a copy of its ‘secret' agreement with boater, Andy Wingfield, writes Allan Richards.

Whilst the Trust quickly provided a copy of a settlement order that confirms an agreement document exists, it has exceeded the 20 working days allowed by the Freedom of Information Act to produce a copy of the agreement. The Trust states it needs more time to consider and will respond by 2nd April at the latest.

Case CaRT could not win

It was the the National Bargee Travellers Association (NBTA) that revealed the case of CaRT v Wingfield which was heard by HHJ Pugsley in Chesterfield County Court on 3rd and 4th March 2014.

Headlined as ‘The case that CaRT could not win', the NBTA legal officer, Nick Brown, stated in a Press release:

"We believe that CaRT settled with Mr Wingfield because they knew they could not win, given Mr Wingfield's cruising distance and the fact his licence was terminated when he was trapped in floods."

The Press release pointed out that the case was heard in full before CaRT entered into a confidential agreement with Mr Wingfield.

Making it worse

It would appear that, by delaying, the people at CaRT are only making things worse for themselves. Attempting to hide cases where they have failed to gain an injunction makes them look bad when found out.

Failing to respond within 20 working days when asked for information relating to such cases just makes them look worse.

Perhaps in a week's time the ‘secret' agreement will be secret no more.

Then, again, perhaps not!