Still threats to close Pillings

Published: Thursday, 10 April 2014

THOUGH a director of the new company owning Pillings Lock Marina has made it clear he will abide by a new Network Access Agreement, Canal & River Trust is still threatening to blockade the marina.

It is the Head of Boating Business, Phil Spencer, who is likely to provoke the worst ever public relations disaster by blockading the marina from boats being able to leave, and also stopping a charity boat taking its disabled people out.

Told berth holders

But not only has he threatened the marina, but has written personally to its berth holders telling them they will be locked in, seemingly in an attempt to undermine any ongoing discussions, even though a new director has shown his willingness to abide and pay a new Network Access Agreement.

In writing to the berth holders Phil Spencer has admitted '.... that company has indicated that it is willing to enter into a new standard Network Access Agreement'.

However he states 'The Trust will proceed with the works to sever the navigable connection in accordance with the timetable previously advised to you unless and until we have a completed NAA'.

Public relations disaster

Should CaRT go ahead with its threats and blockade the marina next Monday, as it threatens, as a much self vaunted charity, it will only succeed in a public relations disaster, that will never be allowed to rest...