CaRT failing to publish minutes

Published: Thursday, 21 August 2014

AFTER an investigation lasting over a year, the Waterways Ombudsman, Andrew Walker, has finally upheld a complaint that Canal & River Trust (CaRT) Trustees are ‘failing to ensure that minutes of board meetings and associated papers are being published in a timely manner', writes Allan Richards.

However, in his six page draft report, the Ombudsman, makes no recommendation to prevent future maladministration occurring.


The Ombudsman delayed investigation due to an assurance given by CaRT's Marketing Director, Simon Salem (who had already admitted maladministration) that the Trust would, in future, publish documents in a timely manner. However, CaRT continued to either delay publication or simply just not publish, and as such, the Ombudsman eventually confirmed that the complaint would be investigated.

Long history

Further delay was caused during the investigation by CaRT's continuing maladministration with the Ombudsman having to chase up various documents which CaRT had failed to publish.

The Ombudsman accepted that there has been a long history of maladministration in this area stretching back years to when CaRT was British Waterways. He also accepted that maladministration occurred which caused him to start his investigation (despite the assurance given by Simon Salem) and that it continued to occur during his investigation.

No recommendation

The report lists several suggestions made by the complainant aimed at reducing the risk of maladministration continuing to occur.

However, no recommendations are made, with the Ombudsman blandly stating that he has no reason not to accept the Trust's renewed assurances that maladministration will not continue to occur.

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