Limiting moorings

Published: Saturday, 20 July 2013

With reference to Mick's excellent piece, it could be true to say that some things have potentially changed, writes Tug Wilson.

If, as reported, CaRT moorings are being limited to increase the 'market value' at auction, then the cost of these moorings will fall into the price range of a marina berth, which as we all know come with extra facilities.

Lower/maintain prices

With vacancies on marinas, it is in the interest of the marina owners to lower/maintain their prices to attract boats to fill the vacant slots, resulting in a real market value rather than an artificial one. I believe that a similar phenomenon occurred with winter moorings last season.

If indeed CaRT is trying to create a 'moorings bubble' then it needs to stop, concentrate on maintaining and improving the waterways and stop playing at being bankers [sic].