Trying to improve systems and processes

Published: Wednesday, 17 October 2012

I'm writing in response to Richard Tanner's article ‘Winter Mooring Shambles'. Before I go on to address the specific questions, I wanted to emphasise that the best way of getting answers is to ask us directly, writes Jenny Whitehall, Canal & River Trust National Mooring Manager.

It was disappointing, however, to read Richard's perspective—every year we try to improve our systems and processes to make it as easy as possible for boaters. Navigation, and by implication boating, is central to most decisions we make.

An alternative

On to the questions. Perhaps the most important thing to make clear is that there is an alternative to online booking. Any customer that lets us know that they can't book online is sent a registration pack. We also send a letter to previous postal customers to ask if they want to do the same this year.

Once received, the customer fills in the form, sends it back and we book on their behalf. Over the last two years every single postal customer has secured a winter mooring at one of their chosen sites.

Some improvements

We identified some improvements in the way postal payments could be processed that needed the time of our web development team. This is why we couldn't just press a button to launch it this year. The launch of the Trust meant that this year, time was at a premium, and perhaps we were too ambitious with our first published date. That said, it'll still be up and running at the same time as it was last year (two days earlier if I'm going to be exact).

The final point, about the time of year at which the winter moorings become bookable, is something we agree on. Had it not been for the launch of the Trust, we aimed to launch in July or August.

Like Richard, I want to see a perfect, fair, system that suits all users. In reality, we're unlikely to ever get that but, in the meantime we'll continue to refine what we do have.