Wigan Pier in danger

Published: Thursday, 13 September 2012

BOATERS cruising the Leeds & Liverpool Canal through Wigan have reported that the coal tippler at Wigan Pier is in danger of falling into the canal.

The boaters blame lack of maintenance of the structure that was made famous by George Formby and his 'Wigan Pier' jokes, and on which a legend was based, Alan Tilbury tells us.

Tourist attraction

The structure became a tourist attraction, but now the wooden planks supporting the rails have virtually disintegrated, helped by vandals.

The tippler was constructed to take the coal waggons from nearby pits, where they were upended by hand, dumping the coal into waiting barges.

There were originally four timber supports, but now only one remains, and is liable to fall into the waterway unless something is done to safeguard what is part of the heritage of the town.

Subject to funding

A representative of Canal & River Trust, that is responsible for its upkeep told that they are aware that the coal tippler structure is currently in need of maintenance, but is subject to funding.