Email: Jobsworth?

Published: Monday, 20 August 2012

While waiting at the top of Anderton Lift holding point for our trip down yesterday, the guy clearing us for descent was asked by a member of the public if they could take their dog down to the exterior picnic site while they viewed the lift in operation.

In no uncertain terms he said "absolutely not" which clearly disappointed the lady. He then said to me that the reason is that if a dog were to bite someone while on site, Canal & River Trust would be sued by the victim?! He even went on to say that if they tried to take the dog in they would be reported....ooer missus!

This potential litigation issue must surely sit heavily on heritage train operators who allow dogs on board—for a fee. The way I see it is if my dog bites you, you sue me. End of.

Surely it would have been more constructive to say that the site only allows assistance dogs and that there are pathways from the car park down to the Weaver that give a reasonable view of the lift? There is a small sign on the main doors confirming no pets but I think that some larger notice should be put up in the car park stating this, before visitors part with £2/£3 to leave their car to access the lift site.

When we were waiting on the lower holding point, my wife was yelled at by another jobsworth to "get your dog back on board, please". That was too over-the- top as there are few areas on the river to stop to let a mutt relieve itself! As responsible dog owners, he was on his leash at the time and nowhere near Joe public.

So what was the difference between the top and bottom waiting points? Not a lot in my opinion.

Kevin McNiff