Opening up the tunnel

Published: Thursday, 16 February 2012

IT COST  a great deal of money to move all the machinery out of Sellers Engineering in Huddersfield, dig out the old canal, put a roof on it, and put the machinery back, but it's now all opened up again.

This was all done when the Huddersfield Canal was restored, but with Sellers Engineering no longer at the premises, and the demand for waterside living, all is changing. The picture shows the canal tunnel being opened up last year.

Waterside aspect

The canal is now opened up, so that dwellings can be built with a waterside aspect. But as the actual canal will be in a ditch, a new lock is being built lower down the waterway to raise the canal so it can be seen from the new development.

It will of course, like many other developments before it, be named The Waterfront, the overlooking premises attracting a high price, with local Councillor Coun. Peter McBride, explaining:

"The work taking place on the canal will enhance The Waterfront scheme as a whole by improving the environment and enhancing the look and feel of the area, and help to attract developers and occupiers to the site."

Part of the development will be a new campus for Kirklees College with a multi-million pound building.