Email: If hire boaters can...
If hire boaters can do it, why can't the rest do it? I have noticed hire boaters are the most considerate when passing moored boats.
They are able to control their boats and slow down to a tick-over speed regardless of weather conditions as well. Alas, the same cannot be said about the overwhelming majority of the rest of you.
This year many boats continue to pass moored boats with no attempt to slow down at all. It gets worse if it rains, then the power goes on even more, and as for windy conditions—that appears to be an excuse again to power it on.
Where are the boating skills of these so-called boaters? Where is consideration to other users of the waterways? Anybody moored up during the day is seen as a blight on the landscape to the speeding boaters' schedule. Better to rock someone's boat about whilst passing, or demolish nesting sites in the reeds, than to be considerate and careful.
They used to slow down for a line of moored boats—not any more. The attitude is 'Sod you lot'. No point in arguing with them, they then put on a look that means who is that person talking to, or better still look the other way and avoid eye contact.
If you are one of these boaters who fail to slow down, please think again, and be considerate.
Amy Dickerson, Nb Black Bryony