Knife wielding gang on the Regent's
THE POLICE have issued a warning for towpath walkers to be aware of a knife wielding gang of teenagers operating on the towpath of the Regents Canal.
The warning was given by the police of a 15 strong gang of teenagers with knifes lying in wait for towpath walkers and cyclists in the area around Islington, with 13 separate robberies having been reported, Alan Tilbury tells us.
With such a large gang, victims have no option but to give up all their possessions, even including clothing, when approached by the teenagers and threatened with knives.
Could disturb bats
All the robberies are carried out in the dark, and to many people, the stupid thing is that bridges are not allowed to be safely lit, as this could disturb bats!
Detective Inspector Yasmin Lalani, leader of Islington's Robbery Squad, investigating the robberies explained:
"This group is dangerous. They don't care who their victims are, or how old they are—they will target anyone who walks along there."
Little lighting
The gang has managed to rob people of iPods, laptops, expensive watches, bikes, wallets, cash and clothes. Police realise the gang is taking advantage of the fact that the towpath is a bat preservation area and so has very little lighting.
The detective inspector warned:
"We want people to avoid taking short cuts by the canal towpath when it's dark. We also don't want people wearing earphones when they are walking and running. We want them to be aware of their surroundings and to look out for each other."
Simon Bamford, Waterway Manager, British Waterways London, explained:
"The majority of the towpaths are unlit, and there are a variety of reasons for this, including funding. London's canal network is a linear park through the city and a haven for wildlife, including many varieties of bat.
"Whenever we do install lighting we work with our bat experts to ensure that the lighting does not adversely affect their habitat.
With so many reports of robberies and even drownings on the Regent's Canal, it is perhaps wise to avoid it completely in the hours of darkness, as it certainly is not safe.
Police are mounting extra patrols and issuing towpath joggers and walkers with panic alarms. Such is the concern that the Metropolitan Police Marine Support Unit is now patrolling the canal in a rigid inflatable during the hours of darkness.