Waterside homes for Leicester

Published: Friday, 30 October 2009

THOUGH waterside development stopped by the Grand Union Canal in Leicester, increasing confidence means that developers are set to start  again. The massive British United Shoe Machinery site by the waterway at Belgrave in the city is set to be developed three years after it was first planned, with 1,200 homes and a park stretching down to the waterway.

The development, like many others, was stopped when the finance dried up, but developers believe the time is approaching for a re-start, with demolition already begun.

Bulldozers are also now clearing the Wolsey knitwear factory in Belgrave, pictured, also by the waterway, to make way for a further 100 homes.

However, it is told that the cost of the development would be 'a lot higher' than first estimated three years ago.

However, other planned developments in the city remain at a standstill.