We don't want a canal!

Published: Monday, 25 April 2016

IN A blow to those who want the Grand Union Canal restored into Daventry, protesters against it marched through Daventry to show their opposition to plans to extend the waterway into the town.

This was organised by the local Labour Party, whose members are in opposition to money being spent on a new canal arm whilst the town centre is failing, and is therefore more worthy of the money, Alan tilbury tells us.

Want town revitalised

Labour Councillor Wendy Randall, explained to Daventry Express:

"They talk about a new development in town, but we want the town to be revitalised. Little shops are talking to me—they say they're at risk of going bust, that footfall in the town is falling.

"You should be expecting your councillors to be standing up on the district council. They should be standing up and voting against the canal because that is what their electorate want. But does that happen? No."

Protesters marched through the town centre to a rally chanting ‘Say no to the canal—it's a waste of money'.

Spent too much

The opponents to the canal maintain the district council has spent too much already and will waste even more, and that money could be better spent on the existing town centre.

The plan is to extend the existing Grand Union Canal via an arm into the town centre, with its backers believing it will bring in more visitors.