Should make a few resolutions

Published: Thursday, 17 December 2015

II IS this time of year when many folk consider making New Year Resolutions and it occurred to me while cogitating over narrowboatworld with the necessary cup of tea that Canal & River Trust (CaRT) should make a few and try and stick to them, writes Orph Mable.

I do have a few suggestions that, from my point of view, would benefit the vast majority of us who live and use the waterway network that has been entrusted to that august body!

1. Produce and publish a coherent and viable strategy to fund and reduce the catastrophic maintenance backlog that is currently destroying the waterways.

2. Stop publishing ludicrous ‘statistics on ‘Visitor Numbers' that cannot be validated by visual fact. (Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics!').

3. To make The Boat Licensing Team aware that there are boat owners that do NOT own a printer.

4. Develop a workable strategy for towpath use that does not endanger boaters, fishermen or walkers (with or without dogs) and reduces the speed of cyclists while preventing the use of unauthorised motor vehicles.

5. Reinstate and adhere to the ‘Veg-Pledge'.

There are probably more ‘resolutions' that readers would wish CaRT to consider but these are a few to be going on with.

Happy Christmas everyone!