Stoppage worse than expected

Published: Friday, 13 November 2015

THE stoppage on the Huddersfield Narrow that was listed for one day, then four days, will now be for three weeks.

Shuttle Lock 24E at Slaithwaite, the guillotine lock, was listed as a one day stoppage, which was then increased to four days, but it appears that it cannot be repaired in this time, with it now listed as a three weeks stoppage until Saturday 5th December, Keith Gudgin tells us.

Out of action four times

This particular lock has been giving great problems this year being out of action four times, on the 16th June, 15th August, 30th October and now.  It would seem there is a fundamental problem with its gearbox, as this has been often referred to.

Perhaps the next three weeks will see it finally repaired to proper working order.