A champion for Victor

Published: Friday, 06 November 2015

I don't think that John Hall was being fair to Victor this morning with his article 'Doesn't agree with Victor', writes Jim Cracken.

Perhaps the ash trees on the Shropshire Union have been 'scalped' as he calls it, but that canal has the might of the Shropshire Union Canal Society behind it, who do a lot of work, so it will get things done, but I can assure him that there are miles and miles of ash trees growing along the waters edge on the Northern Oxford, as Victor rightly told, and in telling may get something done.

High speed trains

As to high speed trains, he was only pointing out that this country invented the railways and has fallen way behind and should be catching up with high speed trains, which has absolutely nothing to do with the pace on the canals.  Or does John want people to go back to the slow noisy steam trains again, or even to passenger boats on the canals?

But John exactly proved Victor's point of noisy boat engines by pointing out 'what better sound is there than that of a Bolinder 'mis-beating' heard for a half an hour before it arrives?'

Nothing worse I say as I certainly don't want to hear them. He might be surprised that there must be many like myself who take to the canals for peace and quiet. Victor got it right.

Yes, John is being nostalgic!