Boot on the other foot

Published: Monday, 10 August 2015

THERE are times when I find it interesting to imagine what would transpire if things happened the other way around in this world, i.e. the boot was on the other foot as we say. The results are often very telling, writes Ralph Freeman.

CaRT is trying to ignore the Strava/Lycra cyclist problem and frequently resorts to the rather pathetic 'what can we do' type of approach. They won't even suggest an overall speed limit or fit mechanical barriers near hazards to slow down the Lycra Louts.

Boaters lay claim

Imagine then this scenario:
A group of boaters lay claim to a section of towpath, insisting that because they pay a licence fee, only boaters can use it.

Other potential users such as ramblers, fisherman, cyclist et al, when attempting to use this stretch of towpath, are met with abuse, threats and in some instances, physical violence. The boaters even have their own web site called TPAgro which gives individuals bragging rights for being the most anti-social on a specific day!

What would CART do?

Now my question is this:
What would CaRT do in those circumstances?

1) Re-educate the boaters, stick up a few signs saying in effect 'please share the towpath nicely chaps'.
2) Call the police and suggest the boaters are arrested for breach of the peace, threatening behaviour, ABH etc i.e whatever is applicable?