More restrictions?

Published: Saturday, 10 January 2015

IN THE St Mary's Marina case, (Marina owner prosecuted over fire) the owner was prosecuted for failing to carry its statuary duty, i.e. carry out the required risk assessments and have an evacuation plan in place, writes Drew Hudson.

To quote: 'The Judge concluded that a correctly undertaken fire risk assessment would have identified the unsuitability of people sleeping in the workshop on their boat and would have established that there was a risk involved to people sleeping in the workshop'.

An expert?

Not necessarily so. Is the Judge an expert on fire risks in this workshop? Probably not. Is the Judge an expert on fire risks on narrowboats? Probably not.

A risk assessment may have concluded that, by not using the boat's stove for heating, having all hot works areas checked at the end of the working day and all equipment in the workshop turned off, it was no more dangerous to sleep on the boat in the workshop than on the cut.

Yes there should have been a fire evacuation plan in place with everyone aware of it. Yes there should be a fire alarm and fire fighting equipment in the workshop, but they are legal requirements regardless.

Clear potential

The Fire Service Group Manager is correct in saying, "This fire had the clear potential to result in loss of life or serious injury, both to the owners of the vessel and to the fire fighters who took significant risks to ensure that everyone had escaped from the fire. All this could have been prevented had there been the correct procedures in place and the relevant fire safety legislation had been complied with."

He does not say 'nobody should have been sleeping on the boat in the workshop, or while work is carried out in a yard', however that may well be the result.

This fire was caused by an electrical fault in the battery compartment so could have happened anywhere out on the cut.

Where do they stay?

So where do liveaboards stay while work is carried out?

Sorry it looks like a rant but once again unnecessary restrictions are likely to be the result.