Creates an aggressive response

Published: Monday, 27 October 2014
I refer to David Hargreaves (Doing their job), in narrowboatworld, writes Pam Pickett.

In answer to the point that David recently makes with regard to the different stance of CaRT's enforcement officers, I think the majority of boaters have respect for those enforcement officers that are seen to treat boaters fairly and professionally, whilst at the same time doing the job they are employed to do.

What type of approach?

In my experience an aggressive approach can all too easily create an aggressive response. I therefore ask David what type of an approach he would prefer?

Double standards could come to mind here when boaters approached in an aggressive manner to which they respond unfavourably, are considered by the trust to be aggressive, whilst any enforcement officer employing an aggressive approach, is not. Mutual respect surely has to be the key here when getting the job done.