CaRT's £20.5m visitor attraction

Published: Friday, 22 August 2014

THE Three Mills Lock by the Olympic Stadium is to be open to the public tomorrow (Saturday) as a visitor attraction.

Canal & River Trust is inviting people to join it and 'discover more about the Three Mills Lock in Bromley-by-Bow on a first come, first served event will give you the opportunity to walk around the locks with members and volunteers who will be able to answer questions you may have', Allan Richards tells us.

White elephant

It may be remembered that the lock was constructed at the alarming cost of £21.5 millions and expected to handle 2,000,000 tonnes of building material by various contractors in 350 tonne barges to build the Olympic Stadium, etc. However, it has been a dismal failure with Tessa Jowell, then Labour Olympics Minister admitting that only 600 tonnes of material, the equivalent of less than two barge loads, had used the lock, and only very few boats since, for which it has to be specially manned.

See (White Elephant will cost even more.)

So to see how money can really be wasted go and see the Three Mills Lock, and wonder. Last entry is at 3,45pm.