Sorry, I'm on holiday!

Published: Wednesday, 14 May 2014

THE six months saga of the unwillingness of Canal & River Trust (CaRT) to provide information regarding its asset and infrastructure failures continues (Asset and Infrastructure failures), writes Allan Richards.

It has just missed the ten days deadline imposed by the Information Commissioner to respond to the request.

20 Working Days

CaRT is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Both require that it responds promptly to requests and in any case within 20 working days. Furthermore, it's Trustees have also indicated that the Trust should go further than their legal responsibilities and provide information where they can.

.... and on top of all that we have the statement about openness from Chief Executive, Richard Parry.

So how is it that the Trust continues to withhold information for over six months putting up barrier after barrier to prevent its release?

Out of office

It seems that the latest wheeze to prevent disclosure is the 'out of office' auto-reply. An email to CaRT's Freedom of Information address reminding the Trust that it was in danger of exceeding the 10 day time limit imposed by the Information Commissioner received the reply 'I am out of the office with limited access to my emails.'

It continued 'I am then on holiday from Monday 19th May, returning on Monday 2nd June. I'll do my best to respond to you promptly after I return'.

Perhaps when the person concerned, Sarina Young, returns from holiday in June she will forget to respond just as she did earlier in the year in relation to this request.

Sarina apologises

Here is what she said 'Firstly, I would like to apologise for the delay replying to your correspondence relating to your request for information about "Asset and Infrastructure Failures". It is entirely my fault, I had intended to send this email to you before the Christmas break but failed to do this and subsequently forgot. I'm sorry.'

Don't apologise Sarina! It's not your fault. It is surely the fault of your director, Simon Salem who bears the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the Trust fulfils its legal obligations but attempts to hide behind a junior member of his staff and let them take the blame.