Organise working party days

Published: Monday, 17 February 2014
I HAVE to agree with Victor's submission 'Low on the agenda' [concerning the appeal from Canal & River Trust] writes John Howard.

Surely CaRT are more likely to get a better response from those of us afloat if they were to organise some 'working party days' in the coming months where boaters could commit some free labour and time to clearing or rebuilding specific elements in the various parts of the network.

IWA doing something

I suspect the IWA are probably looking to do something—but my last experience of an IWA clear-up weekend was a great number of people 'in charge' and a similar number out for a bit of a jaunt on their boats for the day (two-way radios and lots of tea and cakes!)—whilst the actual work fell to the lower orders (left a bad taste. as you can tell—so won't be doing that again anytime soon).

Anyhow—back to my original theme! Perhaps if CaRT were to organise some targeted digging, clearing and dredging type days over the coming months—and then publish these in narrowboatworld—so the word goes out to everyone that follows this excellent website—maybe they might get a better response, and even win over some hearts and minds whilst working shoulder to shoulder with those who have the time and the energy to help out on any works in their locality.

Lend a hand

Maybe narrowboatworld could work with CaRT to set up a regular web page where each month one could zone in on what's being done in a particular part of the network—or for continuous cruisers, where they are planning to be over the following month—to lend a hand in some small way.

I suspect that CaRT will find all sorts of Health & Safety reasons why this isn't possible—but wouldn't this be a great opportunity to get in touch with its public instead of the blurred picture they are probably getting from their various special interest groups.

Sod them

So sod the greater speckled newt, or voles or the pretty flower brigade. Lets dust off our spades and hedge trimmers and take back our waterway whilst we still have one!