A breach by any other name

Published: Wednesday, 06 January 2021

ALL who have seen the many published pictures of the breach on Aire & Calder Navigation can clearly see what it is—a breach.

The problem is that Canal & River Trust do not like the word breach, as it signifies lack of maintenance that was proved in the case of Toddbrook Reservoir at its enquiry.

AireLastDoes not go down well

This does not go down too well with its proclamation of 'the excellent condition of the waterways', and neither with the government that pays the trust to keep the waterways in working order.

So when the Aire & Calder breached it was described as a 'structural failure', but as this was so ridiculed as there was no structure involved, it has now been renamed it as a 'bank slippage',  Keith Gudgin reports.

There is no mention that the main Aire & Calder Navigation, that carries freight is closed, which of course it is, for as can be seen there is no way stop planks can be inserted over that length to cut-off that navigation.