New boat licence for renting

Published: Thursday, 01 June 2017

THE Canal & River Trust is introducing a new kind of boat licence for those who let out their boats for rent.

It tells that this new Static Letting Licence is to ensure the safety of the increasing number of people living on rented boats, but this new licence is expected to be much more expensive than the standard canal and river licence, so will bring in extra income.

Letting websites

CaRT states it is responding to the numbers of boats for rent in London and further afield as people try to find alternatives to rising housing costs. A second market has sprung up with the advent of website letting sites which regularly feature listings of boats for rent, while anecdotal evidence from boaters shows that it’s becoming more common.

Matthew Symonds, Boating Strategy and Engagement Manager at Canal & River Trust, explains:

“Living afloat can be a great lifestyle choice but too often there are frightening accidents, from carbon monoxide poisoning to fires and boats sinking. Boat owners may not be aware that they have greater responsibilities to tenants than they would if they were using the boat themselves, and it’s vital that those renting boats are protected by more rigorous standards to ensure they are safe.

“Sadly we’ve heard reports of people running into trouble and this needs to stop. Any boat being rented out needs a Letting Licence that ensures that all the proper requirements have been met and the tenants will be kept safe. We want to spread the word amongst existing and potential landlords and will be getting in touch with those who we think are renting their boat unofficially, asking them to work with us to do it above board.”

Cover all types of rental

From 12th June 2017 boat owners will be able to apply for a Static Letting Licence for static boats which will cover all types of boat rental, including long-term renting, short breaks and overnight stays.

After this date the boat owner will need to have a permanent mooring and should talk to their local planning authority to see if planning permission is needed.

The Static Letting Licence has more rigorous requirements to make sure that both the boat is safe and that potential renters are fully briefed before spending a night on board. Boat owners will be required to have: proof of adequate insurance; a Non-Private Boat Safety Scheme Certificate; a detailed handover document including emergency procedures and contact numbers; a Landlord Gas Safety Certificate; and written permission from their mooring provider.

Licence can be revoked

Alongside this the Trust will be introducing a new process for dealing with boat owners who may be breaching the terms of their licence by renting out their boat. If a boat is suspected of being rented out illicitly the Trust will contact the registered licence holder, as well as hand posting letters onto the boat itself to alert tenants. The licence holder will be given 28 days to clarify the situation, cease trading if appropriate, or apply for a Static Letting Licence. After this period their licence will be revoked if they continue to rent out their boat.