Email: Bath residents lucky

Published: Thursday, 26 January 2017
If as it seems Bath council clears off graffiti as soon as it appears then the residents by the side of the Kennet & Avon Canal should think themselves very lucky.

Very lucky indeed, as I live not far from the Coventry Canal near the city, and the graffiti there has been there for years, with nothing done about it, (pictured) and even one councillor trying to tell us that it is 'art', that to many, me included, is nothing more than an excuse for doing nothing about it.

That long white wall along the canal in Bath is little short of an invitation for the graffiti artists, and whilst it is left like that then the council will be fighting a losing battle. It would be more sensible to paint it with the anti-graffiti paint that is now available.

Whilst it is left like it is, it is obvious that the graffiti will keep appearing, and even if the complaining residents should actually see someone 'at it', he/she will be hooded of course and hardly recognisable.

Derek Johnson