Making boaters aware

Published: Monday, 30 May 2016

FIRE crews from all over the country are targeting boaters on the waterways this week as it is Boat Fire Safety Week.

The crews are not only warning about the risk of fire, but the other 'silent killer'—carbon monoxide poisoning, Alan Tilbury tells us.

60 deaths

During the past 20 years, together fire and carbon monoxide poisoning have been responsible for 60 boaters deaths and countless injuries, so the fire crews will be out and about this week visiting moorings and marinas.

The fire people will be speaking to boat owners, handing out advice and inviting people to take up the opportunity of booking a Boat Fire Safety Check, with the aim being to boost awareness among boaters about taking basic steps to protect themselves from fire and carbon monoxide poisoning.


The advice given will be such as fitting working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and always keep exits clear and easily opened from inside. Other advice is not to use charcoal barbecues on boats (due to carbon monoxide and fire risks), avoid using candles on boats and also make sure that gas cylinders are secure after they have been changed.