CaRT not really trying

Published: Wednesday, 08 November 2017

I have just had a search of your site about cyclists, and see that British Waterways were painting on towpaths way back in June 2009, so the recent 'new idea' of 'cut your speed' signs on the towpaths by Canal & River Trust is certainly not new writes Martin Banks.

If this is all they can do to stop people who are walking the towpaths getting mown down by cyclists and put in hospital, it shows that CaRT is not really trying, and that those now famous words of Richard Parry 'We'll educate them' is not working, and so it needs proper slowing down tactics, and the ultra smooth surfaces the first to go.


As I have said before, if the cyclists were licenced to use the towpaths and had to display a registration plate, it would make them more concerned at being recognised, and would do something to stop the injuries.