Marple lock will open with reduced access

Published: Wednesday, 13 September 2017

THOUGH the reduced width of Lock 15 on the Marple Flight has caused its closure, there are plans to allow boats of up to 6ft 10ins to navigate through the lock.

This however will not be until 'around the 22nd September' when  gauging is installed at both ends of the Peak Forest lock, Keith Gudgin tells us.

Lock wall moved

The towpath side lock wall has moved, restricting the width of the lock, and until this can be rectified the waterway will remain closed.

With such a problem it is not expected that this can be quickly remedied given the uncertainty about the full extent of the problem, and only an estimate can be given for a reopening of the flight.

Lock wall moved

It has been discovered that the lock wall has moved, but this will still allow boats up to 6ft 10ins to pass through, and the lock will be reopened once the measuring devices are installed that show the maximum width that is allowed through the lock.

Nothing is yet definite, depending on what is discovered concerning the subsidence, but it is hoped to have the flight open by the end of next week. Then a more permanent solution will be considered.